Discussing Care Homes with Your Elderly Parent Who Refuses Help

We all want to help our loved ones, particularly our parents. However, it can be difficult to understand why elderly parents might refuse help. This can be frustrating, confusing and upsetting to many involved. So, our experts have created this blog to help you understand why an elderly parent refuses help and how you can overcome it together.

elderly man smiling whilst playing cards
How to Discuss Care with an Elderly Parent who Refuses Help

Understand Their Motivations

It is important to first understand why an elderly parent who refuses help might be acting a certain way. It could be due to a number of factors, but the main ones can be reduced to pride and independence. Many elderly people take great pride in taking care of their own needs. This could be especially true for elderly parents who have always been very independent throughout their lives. In addition, elderly parents may feel that they are being a burden on those around them if they accept help from family members or caregivers.

Address Their Fears

Another reason you may encounter an elderly parent who refuses help is because of fear. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable and this can cause us to worry about our safety and health, leading us to reject any offers of assistance out of fear or anxiety. Furthermore, elderly parents may be scared of the cost associated with care.

Empowerment and Involvement

When faced with an elderly parent who refuses help, it is important to remain patient and respectful. You can try to empower your elderly parent by involving them in making decisions about their own care. This could involve having conversations about what type of help they need or what kinds of assistance are acceptable. Focus on how you can help your elderly parent in a way that promotes independence, rather than taking away from it.

Include Their Loved Ones

It is also important for an elderly parent who refuses help to have their loved ones involved in their care as much as possible. Having other family members around offers comfort and reassurance. This can reduce any anxieties elderly parents might have about taking help. In addition, relatives can offer physical and emotional support which elderly parents may need as they age.

Treat them Like an Adult

A fear for many elderly people is that they are becoming helpless. Therefore, it can become quite irritating and feel patronising if they do not feel as though they are being treated like an adult anymore. Make sure to treat elderly parents with respect and make them feel as though their opinions and thoughts are valued.

Be Flexible

Finally, elderly parents may refuse help despite needing it due to feeling overwhelmed by the nature of care or assistance they may need. Therefore, it is important to be flexible when offering elderly parents assistance. This could involve breaking up tasks into smaller chunks so that they do not become too overwhelming. In addition, elderly parents should have some control over how and when certain things get done.

The Victoria Grand Care Home

When faced with an elderly parent who refuses help, it can be overwhelming and you can feel helpless. That’s where we come in.

At The Victoria Grand Care Home, we create bespoke treatment plans to cater to elderly parents who may be refusing help. Our team of experienced and qualified professional carers will ensure that elderly people get the care they need.

We also provide various activities and services which elderly people can take part in to regain independence and stay active. We understand how important it is for elderly people to maintain their sense of autonomy and dignity as they age. So, our aim is to offer residents the chance to remain independent for longer.


We hope this blog has provided insight into why an elderly parent who refuses help might be acting a certain way, as well as how you can support them. If you would like to learn more about our residential and respite services at The Victoria Grand Care Home, explore our website or contact us today at 01903 248048 or manager@thevictoriagrand.co.uk. We would be happy to discuss any of your concerns with you and invite you and your loved one to take a look around the home for yourself.

Don’t be afraid to seek support for your loved one, let us help you.

Article: Phoenix Marketing